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OLAB at Wabash 2019

a group of people sitting around a table

Students from the OLAB (Opportunities to Learn About Business) program come to Wabash for a week-long intensive crash-course in business, including a simulation game run with fictional companies. This is the program's 47th consecutive year.

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The students meet with Wabash alumni who volunteer their legal expertise and serve as negotiators for the fictional companies' workers, who must come to an agreement with the students.

a group of people sitting around a table

Tyler Hardcastle ’15 and Bill Niemier ’87 grill an OLAB labor negotiator. 'You can tell that each of the teams put a lot of work into it,' says Niemier, who is volunteering for the first time this year. 'And they certainly understand the topics. I'm very happy I agreed to help.'

a group of people sitting around a table

Jon Pactor ’71, Trent Scott ’88, and Rick Cavanaugh ’76 play hardball with a student negotiator.

a man sitting at a table with a laptop

Bert Barreto: '168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 give the students an opportunity to meet with outside legal experts, with the intent that they'll hammer out a labor agreement for their companies that feeds back into the game and drives their outcomes.'

a group of men standing around a table

Pactor and Cavanaugh listen as a camper outlines his company's position.

a man standing in front of a group of people

Scott explains a finer point of labor law.

a group of men in a room

Some meetings are almost over before they start, and campers must learn to negotiate fiercely.

a group of people sitting around a table

Hardcastle and Ken Siepman ’87 make a stern counter-offer.

a group of men sitting at a table with laptops and a whiteboard

Greg Shaheen ’88, Jim Amidon ’87, and Bert Barreto run the OLAB program. Shaheen was an OLAB participant in ’85 and has been back as a staff member every year since.

a group of men talking to each other

Niemier and Siepman participate in negotiations. Suzanne Small of the Goodrich Trust, which provides much of the funding for OLAB, was back this year to watch the negotiations. 'At this age, to be this strong at negotiation skills--all of these students have big futures ahead of them. This is tough stuff, and OLAB is a great head start for so many students before college.'

a group of men standing in a room

Pactor and Scott listen intently.

a group of men sitting around a table

Hardcastle, Siepman, and Niemier consult before delivering the latest counter-offer to a student team.

a group of people sitting at a table with papers

OLAB participants crunch the numbers before time runs out.

a group of people sitting at a table

Wabash student Merritt Lamm ’22 was an OLAB participant two years ago, and he's back this year as a counselor. He says he's 'excited to be on the other side of the table this year, watching these students go through a similar process.'

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