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Alaska - Day 4 - Valdez to Seward

a woman holding a piece of paper

The day began with a meeting with Betty McIntosh, Public Relations with the Alyeska Pipeline Services Company.

a room with tables and chairs on the floor

Aboard the Alaska Marine 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网way Ferry to Whittier.

a man using a laptop

Taking advantage of a little downtime for writing.

a group of men on a boat

Students saw sea otters and dolphins on the ferry ride.

a snowy mountain and water

A view of the pipeline terminal in Valdez from the ferry.

a group of people in a restaurant

Many students ate lunch at the Swiftwater Seafood Cafe in Whittier

a man with a mustache wearing a baseball cap

The owner of the restaurant has a good friend who is a Wabash alum!

a man standing at a counter with a man standing behind him

An impromtu economics lesson on quota, supply, and demand was included free of charge during lunch.

a car on the road

Waiting in line to enter the tunnel leaving Whittier.

a front view of a building

Home for two nights.

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