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Photo Albums

Alaska - Day 3 - Drive to Valdez

a group of people posing for a photo

As we left the Anchorage to head to Valdez the group took an opportunity to thank the host at our B&B.

a couple of men taking a picture of a mountain range

The trip to Valdez is about 300 miles but we had ample opportunities to stop and take in the views.

a man looking through a telescope

Just before stopping at the Matanuska Glacier we stopped at a state recreation area to get a closer look at the glacier.

a man lying on the ground looking at his phone

Students have taken photography lessons from Professor Calisch to heart. Here Peter Guiden gets a new perspective on the landscape.

a man sitting on a cliff looking at a river and mountains

Media Center Specialist Adam Bowen records a little footage of the mountain range.

a man standing in a field with a picnic table and snow covered mountains

The Matanuska Glacier (see arrow) in the distance.

a group of men wearing ski gear

Ready to hike to the glacier. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 were provided with proper gear for the journey.

a man standing on a rock with a pole in front of a snowy mountain

Oscar Trujillo on the glacier. The ice was 100 to 500 feet thick underneath us throughout the journey.

a man standing in front of a snowy landscape

Austin Hodges takes a break for a quick photo.

a group of people wearing helmets and holding water

Getting a drink from the crystal clear and very cold glacier water.

a man wearing a helmet and sunglasses

Jake Bolinger has the glacier on one side and mountains on the other. Not a bad view.

a group of men wearing helmets and holding gloves

Feeling the texture of the glacier silt/mud along the glacier.

a group of men eating pizza outside

Grabbing some quick lunch after the hike.

a car driving on a foggy road

At some points during our drive the snow covered mountains and the snow filled clouds converged making it difficult to know where one ended and the other began.

a man taking a picture of a waterfall

One last stop at the Bridal Veil Falls before getting to Valdez.

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