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In The Heart of Town
A roadside Restaurant in tiny Wallace, Indiana, has the locas singing, dancing, and playing again. Evan 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网st '99
The Roots of the Community
Bob Charles '59 sees more clearly than most the ways people and organizations can come together to make life better for both. Steve Charles
My Town: Memories
Faculty, staff, and alumni recall growing up in small town Indiana. David Blix '70, Charlie Bowerman '61, Bob Quirk '50, Carolyn Goff, and Debbie Bartlet
Gyms and the Making of Small Town America
Basketball was born in Massachusetts, but it grew up in Indiana. Stephen 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网bb '83
My Town: Crawfordsville
"I care what happens."
Gary James '10
Hooked on Pound at Wabash
Corresponding with Ezra Pound, Jim Rader '60 got the inside story on the College's most infamous literary moment.
Jim Rader '60
Only Comment: A tribute to Professor of Psychology Peter Bankart
Warren Rosenberg
First & Foremost a Teacher: A tribute to Professor of Modern Languages John Byrnes
Dan Rogers
Actions in Wood
What Professor of mathematics Robert Foote enjoys most about woodworking is its lack of calculation and "watching the thing take shape."
Kim Johnson