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Fellowships For Sophomores

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Humanity in Action


Intensive and demanding, the Humanity in Action Fellowship brings together international groups of university students and recent graduates to explore national histories of discrimination and resistance, as well as examples of issues affecting different minority groups today.

The programs, when appropriate to national histories, address the destructive common roots of prejudice, discrimination and dehumanization. These practices were directed towards Jews and other minorities in Europe during the Nazi era and Holocaust. Those under colonial rule in Africa, Asia, South, Central and North America and the Caribbean Islands were subject to racist policies and attitudes. Countries which experienced other totalitarian regimes after World War II also address the impact that socialism and its implosion had on their societies.

US students apply from here:

Deadline Information

Early February

Eligibility Requirements

Sophomores, juniors, seniors or recent graduates are eligible. Some international students may also apply.

Location: Amsterdam, Atlanta, Berlin, Copenhagen, Detroit, Sarajevo and Warsaw
Duration: 4-to-5-week summer experience
Eligible Students:Undergraduates and recent graduates
Academic Areas:Political science, law, history, sociology, peace and global studies
Areas Of Interest: Education, discrimination, human rights, justice, diversity


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