About The Day Of Giving

168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 Stand on #GiantShoulders

Sometimes looking back helps you see how far you’ve come. All of us who love Wabash know that we are never alone as we take giant steps on our journey through life — individually and as a College. Someone first captured our interest in Wabash, and when we joined the community as a student, professor, coach, parent, or friend, there were always people to encourage us, mentor us, engage us, challenge us, coach us, and support us. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 could see our futures by standing on #GiantShoulders.

Let us use our ninth Day of Giving on 4.19 to honor those who made us — and Wabash — strong.

A group of leaders is again taking a Giant Step for Wabash and putting more than $500,000 in challenge money on the line to motivate all who love Wabash to answer the call on this day when we look back at those people on whose #GiantShoulders we stood and forward to the young men who will benefit from a Wabash liberal arts education.

After you have made your gift on 4.19, please take a moment to reflect on those people whose impact on you or someone you love is immeasurable. Make your gift in tribute to that person and tell us what they mean to you. In turn, you will become the #GiantShoulders on which others will see their futures.

Day of Giving Contact Information

Email: 419@wabash.edu Phone: 877-743-4545

Official hashtags: #GiantShoulders | #GiantStepsForWabash

Official URL: wabash.edu/419

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Frequently Asked Questions

Unlock more than $500,000 in Challenge Gifts on 4.19
Wabash stands to receive more than $500,000 for students and their life-changing education from a group of Wabash leaders when alumni and friends provide #GiantShoulders and make gifts throughout the day to fulfill each of the challenges listed below.

Early Bird Challenge

First 900 gifts

Gift Goal: 900

Dollars to Unlock: $90,000

Gifts made during the Early Bird Challenge will create giant momentum and will provide the #GiantShoulders upon which we stand to achieve the other challenges and overall goals on our ninth Day of Giving.

Giant Mentors Challenge

11:00 AM EDT

Gift Goal: 900

Dollars to Unlock: $90,000

Gifts made during the Giant Mentors Challenge will encourage alumni and those who love Wabash to celebrate a professor, coach, staff mentor, or friend with gifts in their honor.

One Wabash Affinity Challenge

3:00 PM EDT

Gift Goal: 900

Dollars to Unlock: $90,000

Gifts made during the One Wabash Affinity Challenge will celebrate the many affinity challenges being offered for athletics teams, student organizations, regional groups, and other ways the Wabash Nation stays connected to our students.

Wabash Together Living Unit Challenge

7:00 PM EDT

Gift Goal: 900

Dollars to Unlock: $90,000

Gifts made toward the Wabash Together Living Unit challenge will encourage alumni and those who support our College to celebrate the unrivaled relationships that make Wabash great. Those making gifts during this challenge will be encouraged to celebrate the #GiantShoulders of Wabash friends, classmates, fraternity brothers, or former roommates with gifts in their honor.

Wabash Proud Students Challenge

All Day

Gift Goal: 806

Dollars to Unlock: $90,000

Gifts made throughout 04.19.22 by current students will fulfill the Wabash Proud Students Challenge and show the Wabash Nation that it won't be long before these young men provide the #GiantShoulders upon which the next generation stands.

Parents Challenge

All Day

Gift Goal: 806

Dollars to Unlock: $90,000

Gifts made throughout 04.19.22 by current parents or parents of Wabash graduates will fulfill the Parents Challenge. Parents making gifts will be encouraged to make a gift in honor of their Wabash man.

As you support Wabash on 4.19, please take a moment to reflect on someone who helped you on your Wabash journey. After you make your gift, use the “Submit a Tribute” button and share a few words about a professor, mentor, coach, parent, classmate, or Wabash friend on whose #GiantShoulders you stand. Tell us about the lasting impression they made on you. In turn, you become the #GiantShoulders on which others will see their futures.

The 4.19 Day of Giving is primarily an online campaign (wabash.edu/419). However, the College will count gifts received via postal mail before or after the day with a note 4.19, Day of Giving, or “Giant Shoulders” The College will also count gifts that donors pledge to make through Donor Advised Funds or via appreciated securities.

Alumni and friends can let the College know they are pledging to make these gifts by sending an email to 419@wabash.edu or by calling 877-743-4545 on or in advance of 4.19. These gifts will be included in the totals on the day, but individual donor names may not appear on the real-time list of donors until after the gift has been received.

Gifts on 4.19 will be allocated to the Annual Fund unless otherwise noted in the comments section on the giving form. Gifts using Athletics Affinity Codes will be allocated to the Director’s Fund unless otherwise noted.

Yes, many companies offer programs that will match contributions to Wabash. Your 4.19 donation to the Annual Fund will meet most matching requirements and can double your impact on Wabash students. Companies will often match gifts by spouses, parents, retirees, or partners. Contact your human resources office or visit www.wabash.edu/matching to find out if your employer has a matching gift program.

An affinity challenge is a pledge made by an individual or group that “challenges” others with whom they are associated to make a gift on 4.19. If the challenge terms are met, they will give an additional gift. For example:

Bob Donor was a member of the Pep Band while at Wabash back in the 1990s. Because he is so fond of his memories of performing at sporting events — and believes other members will share this sentiment — Bob Donor will give $1,000 when 100 gifts are made on 4.19 using the code #PepBand.

Affinity challenges can represent any group of the Wabash community. You can lead one for a class, living unit/fraternity, a group of spouses or partners, metropolitan area, field of study, sports team, student club, scholarship fund, memorial fund, in honor of a professor/coach/student, the list goes on and on.

Complete the fields on the online form at wabash.edu/419/addchallenges. After completing the form, we will review the details and will contact you about its approval. Your affinity challenge code will then appear on the giving form drop-down menus. Throughout 4.19, spread the word via your social media contacts, email, and by phone, and let everyone you know that your challenge is on!

Affinity Challenges that request gifts be allocated to a restricted designation (non-Annual Fund) will be part of a review process by either the Dean for College Advancement, the Dean of the College, or the Director of Athletics. It is recommended these are submitted as soon as possible for review and approval.

Send us an email at 419@wabash.edu and tell us who you would like to contact. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网’ll send you a list of your classmates, teammates, and other Wabash connections to reach out to and help promote the 4.19 Day of Giving.

The 4.19 Day of Giving is a great way to demonstrate your Wabash pride and your belief in our time-honored mission. If you have given this year, thank you! Making another gift on 4.19 will count toward the gifts made on the day and will help the College receive more than $500,000 from a group of challenge donors. In addition, making a gift on 4.19 will give you the opportunity to honor someone on whose #GiantShoulders you stand.