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Where do you find refuge? 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 asked that question of Wabash faculty, students, and alumni, but this issue is as much about giving safe haven as finding it. You'll find the liberal arts thread through it all to be the challenge of embracing change. (Photo by David Krohne)

A Man's Life: Being Here
Missing "the marvelous awakenings in students" after his retirement in 1997, one of the College's most unconventional professors is teaching again.
by Bert Stern

Fleeing for his life to storm shelters by Hurricane Jeanne, an Associated Press correspondent learns who suffers most during natural disasters.
by Peter Prengaman '98

A Riff on Refuge
"There are no safe havens, for long."
by Stephen Dunn

A Certain Kind of Living
Through a collaborative project with Professor Doug Calisch, Muncie Cancer Center patients learn that "creation and healing are never far apart."
by Kyle Nickel '03

Music Every Friday Afternoon
"For an hour or so we fiddle away, cushioning the hard edges of the College ..."
by Dick Strawn

Wabash Voices
by Abraham Lucas '05
by John Meyer '05
Red State, Blue State
by Ryan Smith '03
I never was ...
by Donald W. Baker '57
Online Extras
A Field Guide to the Geography of Hope
by David Krohne
From Isolation to Collaboration
by Doug Calisch
Fighting fear with knowledge
by Dr. Robert Witherspoon '65
The art of Joe Trumpey '88
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