- Tech Talk
- September 11, 2007
- Wireless network access available campus-wide
- Over 220 access points
- Work still underway in Fine Arts Center, Allen Center, Sparks Center,
Center Hall, small houses, some outdoor spaces
- Improved guest access and high-security options will be available la=
this fall
- Usage stats: week | month
- New computers installed in Library computer lab, Baxter 214
- New high-speed printers installed in Library computer lab, Library
reference area, and both Armory labs
- Physics mobile computer lab (15 Macbook laptops) replaced
- Installed Stata (statistical software package) in computer labs
- LabView for Physics
- Present Indiana summer projects
- Creating group work area on 1st floor of Lilly Library (in
- New projectors installed in 16 classrooms
- New computers installed in 18 classrooms
- Supercarts installed in 33 classrooms (work ongoing)
- New projection systems in Detchon 220, Library 3rd floor
seminar room (coming soon)
- 21 classes offered
- Approximately 150 attendees
- 72 people completed online evaluation form
- 95.8% rated workshop “excellent” or “good”=
- 90.1% would definitely recommend the workshop to another person
- Created dual-boot iMac Lab
- Apple TV, with instructional videos
- Editing stations have Apple monitors, providing better color-matchin=
- Implemented new student worker training program
- Enhanced podcasts coming soon to podcasts page
- New home page (debuts later today)
- Fraternity web pages
- Real-time online honor roll
- Video virtual tour (coming soon)
- Sports site enhancements | livestats
- Network upgrades for College Hall, Delta Tau Delta
- Traffic shaping methodology changed
- Upgrading Blackboard server hardware (in progress)
- Beginning process to connect Wabash to i-Light state-wide network
- Phone system upgraded – new features available this fall
- Installation in progress
- Two LTO-3 Ultrium 960 drives
- 48 media slots
- 800GB storage capacity per tape
- 38.4TB total storage capacity
- Maximum transfer rate 1.1TB/hour
- Installation in progress
- Provides 12 terabytes of data storage
- Allows for server virtualization, which reduces hardware costs and
improves redundancy
- Data snapshots reduce backup and recovery time
- Upgrade to Colleague R18
- Migrated to Datatel’s New User Interface
- Licensed Activities and Events module for advancement office
- 235 new computers installed
- New web-based installation schedule process
- Off-lease laptop computers sold through lottery system (300 entries =
65 computers)
- To reduce equipment costs, most monitors were retained
- Recycled 22,525 pounds
of broken and obsolete
equipment with
Recycle Force (Indy)
- Planning community
recycle day this fall
- Vista and Office 2007 supported for student use
- 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 computers will be upgraded in summer 2008
- Vista remote access instructions will be posted to web site soon
- See knowledge base for information on reading Office 2007 files in
Office 2003
- Added 12 Canon G7 digital cameras to checkout pool
- Added 2 Canon ZR850 digital video cameras to checkout pool
- Migrated to new version of Exact Target (bulk email program)
- Implementing web-based printing solution that will allow printing to
campus printers without special computer setup