Giant Shoulders Tributes

For our ninth Day of Giving, we want to celebrate the many giant shoulders on which we all stand, and through the generosity of many, be the giant shoulders for this generation of Wabash students. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 invite you to pay tribute to a professor, mentor, coach, parent, classmate, or Wabash friend on whose #GiantShoulders you stand.

Submit a new tribute using the link on your gift confirmation screen or your email receipt.
New tributes are added to the top of this list as they are received and reviewed.

Raymond Williams

Honoring of Raymond Williams and in gratitude for his wise insights and consistent encouragement and support over the years.

— Clay Robbins (4/26/22 11:53AM)

Mike Axtell

Dr. Mike Axtell was the first professor that allowed me to come to his office every single day I had a question. I received an 11% on my first math exam from him and he asked me if I wanted to meet to improve my chances of succeeded in the classroom as well as in life. I’m very grateful for his attitude towards me and his ability to see the bigger picture! The open door policy at Wabash College is real… you just have to take the chance and walk in! Wabash Always Fights!

— Joshua Gangloff (4/26/22 11:52AM)

Melissa Butler

I am forever appreciative of Dr. Butler and the many ways that she challenged us and guided us both inside and outside the classroom. She was and is a remarkable trailblazer and thought leader at Wabash. Thank you for allowing us to stand on your Giant Shoulders!

— Chris Braun (4/26/22 11:52AM)

JB Bachman

Honoring JB Bachman who, for 61 years has served the College diligently and with immense loyalty, as class agent extraordinaire for the renowned class of 1961! Some Little Giant!

— John R Birdzell (4/26/22 11:50AM)

Don Morel

Coach Morel and the rest of his staff do an exceptional job recruiting bright, talented young men and then developing them to be leaders on and off the field-thank you!

— Chris Braun (4/26/22 11:49AM)

David Blix

I was a Religion minor at Wabash. Dr. Blix is my all-time favorite professor- and I am forever grateful for the exceptional classes I took with him. He is Some Little Giant!

— Anthony Mendez (4/26/22 11:48AM)

David Blix

I stood on the #GiantShoulders of Professor David S. Blix, who taught me to think critically, debate respectfully, challenge beliefs and ideas. And he did so with an engaging approach that was unique and captivating. Some Little Giant!

— Chad Kestner (4/26/22 11:48AM)

Wabash Coaches

Coach Morgan calls athletics practice “the last class of the day.” You can chisel that truth in granite! Our coaches are consummate leaders, teachers, and recruiters. They instill a dedication to something greater than self. They prepare our guys to handle whatever life throws their way. And, through the many years that follow after Wabash, they remain friends and counselors for life. WAF!

— Tom Runge (4/24/22 12:51PM)

Fred Butler

Fred was the first to introduce me to hitting the gym and weight room regularly - my first gym buddy. This is a habit I've maintained to this day. An unusual legacy!

— JOHN VAN DRIE (4/22/22 10:51AM)

Max and Nancy Servies

To me, Max was a coach, big brother, and teacher. Max didn’t really have a temper, but he was upset with me once -- when I lost a match and tried to alibi my loss, he said "Don’t tell me you can’t, that simply means you won’t try." Every trip to campus included a visit with Max and Nancy. It didn’t take long for Nancy to finish our stories, because she heard them so often. Even my long-suffering wife knows them! But they are classics, as was Max!

— Duane Hile (4/22/22 7:15AM)

Emily Hall

In leading the Women Faculty & Staff challenge, I have to share a tribute with friend and colleague, Emily Hall, Associate Director of Professional Development. She gets things done today, every day, and there’s no ceiling on her above-and-beyond. Her #GiantShoulders must hurt from carrying the team, but you’d never know. ?? Thank you for your unwavering commitment to your work, Emily!

— Cassie Hagan (4/22/22 5:59AM)

Julia Perry

I’m fortunate to stand on the Giant Shoulders of some incredible women administrators. I want to thank Associate Registrar and former Career Services colleague Julia Perry for going above and beyond for the students who need her most. Perry, thank you for being on my personal board of directors and always being available to take a lap!

— Cassie Hagan (4/22/22 5:46AM)

Roberto Giannini

I didn't play for Coach Giannini, but he brought me back into the Soccer program as an alumnus and made me realize and understand just how important Wabash Soccer was to my education and my life; it's because of him that I support the Soccer program so strongly now. Its as much a part of my "major" as were Classics and English classes and my semester in Athens, and that's a compliment to all of them and all of my teachers. Thank you Coach!

— Scott Dreher (4/21/22 10:27PM)

Peter Thompson

I had a challenging sophomore and junior year at Wabash. Dr. Peter Thompson considered taking me up as an advisee. He guided me well with my course choice and helped me with my graduate school application. He might be silent but his actions speak volumes. Thanks to Dr. Chad 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网stphal for the CS courses. Thanks to Andrew Powell, Hemant Sah, Azlan Munir, Dr. S. Drury, Dr. Carolyn Yarnall, Dr. Gelbman, Amy Wier, Ed Hensley, Dr. J. Burnette, and Brent Harris.

— Anonymous (4/20/22 1:42PM)

Thaddeus Seymour

His attitude of enjoying life was inspiring but most of all was the message embodied in James P Elmore Day. Beautiful day.... and the bells rang. Nothing was more important in that moment than to put everything aside and enjoy a day of freedom. Message received.... I treasured every one of those unforgettable days! Bring back JPE day!

— Chris Sturbaum (4/20/22 1:22PM)

Norman Moore

A wonderful, friendly person with great skills. Likely, helped me get a scholarship to attend Wabash. Greatly encouraged me to reconsider and to finish my last year at Wabash. I was unable to do so at the time but I later was able to complete bachelors at Indiana University and masters at Duke University. Many thanks to Dean Moore and Wabash for their positive influence on my life.

— William Bush (4/20/22 11:42AM)

Camden Scheidt

In the wake of unimaginable grief, our family has relied on the #GiantShoulders of the entire Wabash community, but especially Dr. Derek Mong, Dr. Eric Dunaway, Coach Jake Martin, Counselor Jamie Douglas, and the entire Delt 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网. 168体育平台下载_足球即时比分-注册|官网 proudly give this gift to honor the memory of our son, Tyler Scheidt '23, and to praise the strength of our son, Camden Scheidt '25.

— Donna Scheidt (4/20/22 11:35AM)

Peter Frederick

Spring semester of my sophomore year I had Peter for both C&T and his America in the 60's course. It was a watershed moment for me. In C&T we had a module that was labeled "The Age of Uncertainty". Paul McKinney gave the opening lecture. I was uncertain about much in my life at that time-why Wabash? what to major in? who am I? Peter's lectures and his gift for leading thought provoking class discussions challenged me to open my mind, to ask questions, and think critically. Thank you.

— Greg Birk (4/20/22 11:21AM)